Navigating a Layoff Landscape

The Real Reasons for Big Tech Layoffs at Google, Microsoft, Meta, and Amazon. What Layoffs at Google and Other Tech Companies Mean for Other Industries. U.S. Survey Shows an Uptick in Job Openings, and Not in Layoffs. 

The prevalence of headlines like these (all posted within 48 hours) has been ramping up over the past couple of months. And each wave of layoffs comes with backlash: lack of strategy, botched communication, survivors’ guilt, an ongoing dread of being treated as disposable.   

While it remains unclear whether mass layoffs actually solve the problems they’re intended to solve, we do know that they can be handled better. 

You may not be able to control whether or not your current employment is terminated, but we have thoughts on what you can do to prepare if a layoff seems possible in your near future, and a few key things to keep in mind if it happens.  within

When layoffs are a possibility:

  • Research your field: See what opportunities are out there that align with your experience and expertise. Pay attention to the key skills highlighted in job descriptions and take note of any organizations you’d be interested in working with.  
  • Update your resume and LinkedIn profile: Make sure all recent experience is included, and use the key words and descriptors you noticed when researching job descriptions. Take a little extra time to breathe some personality into your LinkedIn profile, highlighting the strengths and perspectives that are unique to your approach.  
  • Activate your network: Now is the time to reconnect, start attending events, and engage with your community — both IRL and online. Try to approach this from a place of curiosity rather than panic.  

When you’ve been laid off:

  • Focus on logistics: If you’ve been offered severance, make sure you understand the legal implications. Also, do you know when your healthcare benefits end? Did you receive your final paycheck? Is your employer willing to provide a reference?  
  • Be kind to yourself: Layoffs are right up there on the Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory scale with divorce or losing a house. Try to give yourself time and a safe space for healthy processing.  
  • Frame the Opportunity: Being laid off is stressful in the moment, but it can also lead to growth that may not have happened had you stayed. Use the moment to clarify what matters most to you in your next career step.  

Take care out there, and reach out if we can be of help! 


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