A Guide to Job Searching While In College

Written by PERLITA ANZURES-FLORES, Boly:Welch Marketing intern 2019 In June, I will be graduating from Portland State University with a degree in Marketing and Advertising. This seems a lot closer […]

10 Essential Resume Tips

Before you walk into a job interview, the employer’s first impression of you has already started. More than any other document, your resume is the first place an employer learns […]

9 Networking Tips That Work In Real Life

Networking is one of my favorite, and most effective, career pursuits. I try to attend at least one new event every week. In the past networking felt like pulling teeth. […]

Why are we working more and more?

Woman working too hard in an office with files and paperwork all over her desk.

In the 1930s, economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that by the end of the century technology would have progressed to the point where the average person would quite easily have […]

Human Job Search – Flexibility

Father Works On Laptop As Mother Helps Son With Homework On Kitchen Table to demonstrate ability to work from home

Flexibility at work is so important. Just ask Cory, who is coming back from parental leave and dealing with sleep deprivation and appointments everyday! We think more employers need to […]

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Exclusive Access to 2023
Job Market Trends!

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Let's Talk About Paid Leave Oregon (panel discussion recording)

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