Preparing for the Final Interview

How should our hiring committee prepare for the final interview and seal the deal with our preferred Executive candidate?
Are Thank You Notes Really That Important?

A well-crafted thank you note can leave a lasting impression and keep you top of mind as the hiring team makes their decision.
How Do I Look for Work After Being Self-Employed?

I ran my own business for years and am now looking for a new job. How do I begin looking for work after being self-employed?
Should I Wait Until the New Year to Start My Job Search?

Should I wait until the new year to start my job search? It seems like I might be wasting time and energy starting it so close to the end of the year.
How Should I Navigate a Raise Conversation at My Check-In?

I’m hoping for a raise at my first anniversary check-in but am unsure how to navigate that conversation appropriately.
Where Does Networking Happen?

Whether you prefer an environment catered to networking or to engage with people who share your interests outside of work, there’s a lot of value in connecting with each other and developing a community.
Succession Planning for Long-Term Success

Succession planning should be woven into your overall business strategy – it’s not just a box to check. The sooner you start, the more time you have to make thoughtful decisions and avoid a rushed scramble when the time comes.
Can I Push Back on My Employer’s RTO Mandate?

A full return-to-office mandate can be a tough adjustment, especially if you’ve gotten used to the flexibility of hybrid work.
Compensation Reviews in a Down Year

Just because recession potential keeps making headlines and the future is unknown, the talent you currently have may be indispensable.
Unspoken Norms in Hiring

Here are a few best practices that aren’t always talked about, but can make a big difference in helping you feel confident and prepared — and make a strong impression on employers.
How Can We Retain Our Junior Attorneys?

We train up our junior lawyers only for them to leave us after a year or two. What can we do to better our chances of hanging on to them?
Contingent vs. Retained Search

To identify whether a contingent or retained search would be the best fit, get clear on your organization’s needs and the criticality of the role you’re seeking to fill first.