Boly:Welch 101 — 10 Tips for a Successful Job Search Strategy

Although no one will tell you this, you can make your job search strategic — break it down into discrete steps to maximize your chances at every stage. The way most people look for jobs is outdated and unproductive. However, your search can — and should! — be so much more than that. Be aware […]

Boly:Welch 101 – Hiring Managers Share Their Top Interview Tips

There’s a lot of interview advice out there. Most of it covers the same ground — have two copies of your resume printed (PSA: investigate the company culture before you print your resume!); dress nicely; have a firm, but not clammy handshake. Thanks, mom. Pretty old school. The kiss of death at some organizations. The […]

Boly:Welch 101 – The “Secrets” to Working With a Recruiter

You’ve probably heard negative stories about recruiters who don’t return calls or “headhunters” who pursue a candidate aggressively, only to disappear. If you listen to all the buzz, recruiting professionals seem to be more likely to lead people on and ghost than a bad Tinder date. If you’ve ever been frustrated working with a recruiter […]

Boly:Welch 101 – Making Your Network Work

If you’ve ever been intimidated by the thought of networking, we encourage you to reframe your perspective. Think about the last time you connected with someone online or at a networking event. Did you go into the conversation with an action plan of exactly what you wanted to get out of the conversation, having scouted […]

Boly:Welch 101 – The Winning Guide to Informational Interviews

The Winning Guide to Informational Interviews

WRITTEN BY ABBY ENGERS, J.D., SHRM-CP I got my job at Boly:Welch through an informational interview. My first “real” job as an attorney was pretty isolating — most of my day was spent reading medical records, and becoming increasingly somatic about it. A claimant would have carpal tunnel; I’d think I had carpal tunnel. A […]

Boly:Welch 101 – Hacking Your Job Search (And Not Hating the Process)

Several decades ago, good job search advice had job seekers actually hitting the pavement looking for available positions. Although we wouldn’t recommend this method to find most professional services jobs, there is something nostalgic and appealing about handing your resume to a living, breathing person rather than pushing send into an internet black hole. Part […]

Boly:Welch 101 – A Comprehensive Guide to Resumes

A resume is like small talk. It isn’t going to land you the sale, find you the mentor, or gain you access to a project. However, if you do it well, it can move you past the initial barrier to a place where you can get that thing you want — in this case, an […]

Boly:Welch 101 – The Great Cover Letter Debate

Cover letters are one of those places in the job search where the old school way of doing things has been slow to give way, and very few people receive any benefit (or additional interview invites) from spending the time to create one. In previous blogs, Boly:Welch has advocated for eschewing the use of cover letters […]

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