Email your law school transcripts, a writing sample, a revised resume (if advised) and any letters of recommendation you have. If you update your resume, make sure we have the most recent copy.
Check the Boly:Welch website for any new job postings at least once a week and let us know if you are interested in any of them.
Send us any job postings for law firm jobs that are of interest to you — then we can decide if I should submit your resume or if you should apply on your own.
Keep us posted on any non-law firm jobs for which you have applied.
Keep us posted on any interviews you have that you have gotten on your own — this information is helpful in stimulating interest from other employers.
Let us know if any of your career goals change, i.e., practice area, salary target, location, etc.
Touch base at least two times a month (or anytime you have a question or want to discuss something), either by email or phone. If we’re unable to pick up your call, please leave a detailed message.
Check out this article on how to work with a recruiter.
Let us know if you accept another position!