Why Should My Business Work With A Recruiting Agency?

work with a recruiting agency

You should work with a recruiting agency for the same reason you’d hire an attorney, or an accountant, or a real estate professional — because you want to dedicate your attention to your core business functions and trust a professional to ensure crucial outcomes.

Your employees drive your profits, innovation, and reputation, which is why you should invest in an expert to hire the best.

Wait! We have more. Here are ten other reasons to work with a recruiting agency, as told by recruiters:

1. We Have Strong Networks

We spend a lot of time developing relationships and know a lot of people we can tap for advice and referrals when we have an open role. These relationships span decades in many cases, and are in every size of company, professional group, nonprofit, chamber of commerce, and industry in town. If you’re looking for someone who can be successful in your specific company and role, chances are high that we know them or know someone who knows them.

2. We're Consultants

Since we work with so many different clients, we have strong data on current trends, salary ranges, benefits, and more. We can offer you current information to improve your hiring process and continue employee engagement, regardless of whether you have a current open role — that’s what we mean by building and maintaining relationships. We can also tell you if you’re being realistic regarding the availability and cost of talent. Think of it as a “For Sale by Owner” versus professional real estate listing — which listing will sell for a competitive price, quickly, and smoothly?

3. We Save You Time

The average job posting gets 250+ submissions — not to mention the phone screens and other preliminary work to identify qualified candidates. We can present you with a diverse, pre-qualified slate of candidates who match your needs. We’ll present candidate pitches, resumes, testing information, salary expectations, and more so you can compare options and decide who you’d like to interview. We’ll coordinate everything and cut down on response and scheduling time. And, in this case, time is money! The real or opportunity costs of an open position can be huge — some studies have calculated the cost of vacancy in profitable companies as 3 to 5 times an employee’s annual salary in value. So, if you leave a $70,000 position open for even one additional month, that’s $18,000 to $30,000 in vacancy costs.

4. We Save You Money

Yes, we charge a placement fee based on a candidate’s first year salary. However, we’ll ultimately save you money. Did you know that the estimated cost of a mishire can be upwards of 150% of an employee’s salary? That’s not to mention the productivity (and morale) cost to a team stretched thin and the cost of recruiting (in talent acquisition parlance, cost to hire). Companies might think they’re saving money with in-house efforts. And sure, if you don’t count the cost of employee time and productivity, their benefits, the cost of space, and assign no overhead, it might look like a cost saving measure. But do you really want managers and leaders out on Facebook and LinkedIn trying to find talent? And are you sure you know what their time is worth? Add all those different costs together and you can see the appeal of a one-time, predetermined sum.

5. We Specialize

You wouldn’t want your tax attorney handling your personal injury claim, and you wouldn’t want to work with a recruiter who doesn’t specialize in what you need. We have years and years of experience in the market, and many of our recruiters formerly worked in the roles and industries they now place for. So, you don’t have to explain to us what makes a great CPA or Legal Assistant — we know!

6. We Know How to Attract Talent (including passive talent)

We know where to find talent. Sure, you can run a LinkedIn search. But, unless you are confident that the best candidate will pop up and be available, you probably want to reach out to a recruiter. We have the tools, subscriptions, sourcing expertise, peer groups, and networks to find talent even in non-obvious places — or in obvious ones, like your competitors. We’re experts at understanding motivations to move — and have talked to hundreds of potential candidates who’ve told us exactly what they’re looking for. Sure, you could probably find someone who fits the job description on LinkedIn — but can you ensure that they’re the best qualified candidate? Or that they’d be interested in your job? We can. 

7. We’ll Be Your Marketing Department and Brand Ambassador

We’ll rewrite your job descriptions. We’ll craft your ads. We’ll post on a variety of sites. We’ll advise you on how to best present your company to candidates. We’ll sell candidates on the special things about your organization, team, and role, highlighting the things that are most important to them. We’ll coach you before interviews. We’ll help you communicate the negatives and the positives.

8. We Improve the Candidate Experience

A big issue for companies of every size and stripe is managing brand reputation. One bad Yelp or Glassdoor review about a less-than-perfect interview experience can be incredibly damaging for a company’s brand and ability to attract future candidates. Recruiters are wonderful at managing candidate expectations and communicating about things like timelines and feedback. We can keep candidates excited about your role and make sure they have a positive experience, even if they aren’t ultimately selected for the position. 

9. We're Good Negotiators

Because we’re motivated by the ultimate outcome, we can be an impartial party that brings your company and new employee into agreement over an offer. It’s not just about money — we know how to pre-close candidates who might get a counteroffer, or let you know what their deal breakers are. We know what’s motivating both sides and where the bright points of compromise are. We want the relationship to be successful, and both sides to be satisfied!

10. Our Work Is Contingent and We Still Guarantee It!

What other professionals will operate on a contingent basis? Most roles we fill at Boly:Welch are contingent, which means if you don’t find the right candidate through us, you’re not obligated to pay anything.  Moreover, what other professional guarantees their work even though they have little control over what their client does to ensure the success of their placement? When you do hire one of our candidates, we insure our work, with industry-leading guarantees.

You receive all of the benefits of our professional experience and advice and won’t owe a cent unless you make a hire through us. That’s how confident we are that you’ll see the value of working with us


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