Overqualified and Rejected?

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Ask a Recruiter

Q: I am extremely interested in a position with a local employer that I am more than qualified for. I’ve already applied, however my application didn’t make it past the initial submission. I would really like to find out if they would reconsider granting me an interview — which I always nail. Can Boly:Welch help me get through to them?

A: Recruiters work on behalf of employers who are looking for help filling their open jobs. In most situations, that’s because the employer has sought out the recruiter’s support, has communicated their needs, and has agreed to pay any necessary fees. Without that relationship already established, we don’t necessarily have any extra authority to get through to employers and influence their hiring process. While it never hurts to ask, it’s unlikely that a recruiter is going to be helpful to get in front of an employer for a job you’ve found posted online. 

So, is it hopeless? Not necessarily! Even if that employer isn’t working with a recruiter, there may be other connections that you’re able to tap into — referrals from internal employees can sometimes make the difference in getting past the initial screening. Utilize LinkedIn to see if you have any existing connections at a company (or even connections-of-connections) that you might be able to reach out to to learn more about what’s going on behind the scenes and to figure out how to move yourself forward. 


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