How Can We Retain Our Junior Attorneys?

Two professional men walking and talking, one older and one younger

Ask an HR Expert

Q: We’re struggling with associate turnover. We train up our junior lawyers only for them to leave us after a year or two. What can we do to better our chances of hanging on to them? 

A: That’s a common challenge right now. Post-pandemic, attrition rates for associates have been nearly 25%. Throwing more money at the problem won’t fix it. Data shows associates are leaving for reasons beyond compensation. A recent survey of law firm associates found that feeling underappreciated (30%), lack of progression (29%), and lack of regard for their wellbeing (25%) are the main reasons they leave. 

The bigger challenge is improving their day-to-day experience. Here’s how: 

Value Their Time: Most associates are willing to work hard, but they want their time respected. Flexibility matters — let them manage their own schedules, avoid micromanaging, and respect off-hour boundaries.  

Also, make sure you’re not saddling attorneys with administrative tasks! Invest in a strong support team so attorneys are able to be as efficient as possible with their time. There’s nothing worse than being stuck with administrative work you can’t bill for. 

Provide Clear and Objective Rewards: Financial incentives still matter, but vague, discretionary bonuses are a source of frustration. Instead, be transparent about what performance metrics will earn them rewards. Set clear, measurable goals that align with their contributions, helping them feel valued and motivated.  

Offer Validation: Associates need to feel appreciated, especially those carrying the weight of student debt and long hours. Regularly celebrate their wins, give consistent feedback, and let them know they’re a crucial part of the team. Validation helps remind them why they chose this career in the first place.  

Coach Them Up: Your associates don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. A key factor in their decision to stay is whether they believe the firm is invested in their growth.  

Too often, senior attorneys are distant or lack interpersonal skills. Firms need to evaluate who’s coaching their junior lawyers — sometimes the best litigator is the worst mentor.  

Make sure you’ve got the right people motivating your team.  

Do you need more HR support? Boly:Welch HR Consulting can help your team go farther with budget-friendly human resources consulting, tailored for your success.


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