What’s the Deal With Thank You Notes?

career woman writing a thank you note after an interview

One piece of advice we almost always give candidates after an interview is to send a thank you note. We don’t give this advice casually – we think it’s a powerful step in the job process and does actually help candidates get offers.

A Definitive Guide to Interview Questions

There’s a lot of interview advice out there. And, to be fair, there are many types of interviews to prepare for: informational, behavioral, traditional, working, stress, Skype, lunch, group, and more. How can you possibly be ready for all of them? Yet most people, even when they are experts in their roles, are not experts […]

5 Next Level Interview Follow-Up Strategies

Congrats, you aced the job interview! You were attentive, engaged, and asked all the right questions. You hit all your talking points, shared your career story, and gave your insights on how you could help solve the employer’s challenges. You’re off to a great start, but the work’s not done! The way you follow up […]

Ready for Your Close-up? 6 Tips to Ace a Video Interview

As technology improves, more people seek career opportunities in new cities, and as more teams go remote, video interviews become an increasingly important part of the hiring process. In fact, nearly 75% of companies currently use video to interview candidates in some part of their hiring process. Video interviews tend to be more convenient and […]

7 Tips for a Successful Interview with a Recruiter

When you’re interviewing for a job, it pays for you to think like the hiring organization. But when you’re interviewing with a recruiter, it’s a different experience. What can you do to impress a recruiter in that first interview? It’s a tricky balance, since the recruiter is central to your success in the hiring process, […]

Boly:Welch 101 – Hiring Managers Share Their Top Interview Tips

There’s a lot of interview advice out there. Most of it covers the same ground — have two copies of your resume printed (PSA: investigate the company culture before you print your resume!); dress nicely; have a firm, but not clammy handshake. Thanks, mom. Pretty old school. The kiss of death at some organizations. The […]

Boly:Welch 101 – The Winning Guide to Informational Interviews

The Winning Guide to Informational Interviews

WRITTEN BY ABBY ENGERS, J.D., SHRM-CP I got my job at Boly:Welch through an informational interview. My first “real” job as an attorney was pretty isolating — most of my day was spent reading medical records, and becoming increasingly somatic about it. A claimant would have carpal tunnel; I’d think I had carpal tunnel. A […]

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