Can I Push Back on My Employer’s RTO Mandate?

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Ask a Recruiter

Q: My employer just mandated that we have to return to the office five days a week, starting in January. We’re currently on a hybrid schedule that works well. Is there anything I can do to keep my schedule the same 

A: A full return-to-office mandate can be a tough adjustment, especially if you’ve gotten used to the flexibility of hybrid work. 

When it comes to recourse, most companies have the right to control when and how work is performed, including if you were originally hired on a remote or hybrid schedule — unless you have an accommodation for a disability that requires remote work or another exception.

It’s always a good idea to check your company’s policies, but in most cases, the decision rests with the employer. 

However, before making any big decisions, start with a conversation. Speak with your manager or HR about possible flexibility — some employers might be open to other solutions if you can present a case for maintaining your schedule. Remember to frame it in a way that clearly shows how the company has benefited — you want to understand your employer’s perspective so that you can make a compelling case. Maybe you can demonstrate, via specific examples, about how the current schedule has impacted productivity, work-life balance, team dynamics, or other aspects of your role. Or focus on how you can maximize your current in-office days to achieve your employer’s goals around returning to the office full-time.  

If your employer stands firm, consider your priorities. What is it about returning to the office that doesn’t sit right with you: work-life balance, commute, or something else? Maybe you could use the first couple months of the year as a trial period, to renegotiate with new information.  

If, in the end, the mandate just doesn’t align with your needs, it might be time to explore new opportunities. While fully remote jobs represent only about 10-17% of job opportunities in Oregon, the demand for flexible work arrangements remains high, and many companies are still leaning into hybrid models to attract talent. Keep your options open!  

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